Kids Fun Night

Fridays 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM | Ages 5 – 12

Starting 2/23/24 we are no longer accepting walk in registrations. You must pre-register and pay for your child online. The registration link will be open on Mondays for that Friday’s KFN and will close on Fridays at 6pm. We do have a limited number of spaces available and once that number is reached the online registrations will be closed for that week!

Kids Fun Night is a light-hearted approach to mix gymnastics in a fun environment, with a focus on FUN! We have activities that will be sure to keep the interest of all involved. Kids Fun Night allows the kids to enjoy an evening of supervised activities including gymnastics, tumbling, rope climbing, obstacle courses, group activities, and more.

Parents can drop off their kids for a fun night and relax knowing they are having a blast at the gym. All enrolled and non-enrolled children are welcome. All children must have a signed Tumble 84 Emergency Card on file prior to attending.



Days / Times Friday 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Ages 5 – 12 year olds
Cost $15.00 per child
  • No refunds once paid and attending kids fun night and open gyms.



You must pre-register and pay for your child online. The registration link will be open on Mondays for that Friday’s KFN and will close on Fridays at 6pm. We do have a limited number of spaces available and once that number is reached the online registrations will be closed for that week!