Team Camp Registration

Deadline for Completed Team Registration is April 15, 2025

Please follow the below registration process. All player registrations and final payments are due April 15, 2025.

Step 1: Team Contact registers the team online.

No team deposit is required with your online registration. Once three (3) player fees have been received via individual registrations, your spot will be secured.

Online Team Registration –  NOW OPEN FOR 2025 CAMP SEASON (only for team contact or coach)

Step 2: Players register and pay individually.

Player Registration – To be completed by parent/guardian for every player attending camp.

After the online team registration is received, players must be registered individually using the link above. Completing the online registration only takes a couple of minutes, and once we receive that online registration at the Erie Premier Sports offices, an online payment link will be sent to the parent/guardian for payment.  Each player’s registration is not complete until payment in full is received, even if the team is registered or the individual player is registered online, the camper spot is not guaranteed until payment is received. In addition to payment, the online registration will capture the required Medical and Player Release Information.

Player Refund Policy

  • 30 days prior to your camp start date, individual player fees are refundable, minus a $100.00 cancellation fee.
  • Inside 30 days of your camp start date, NO REFUNDS.
  • Refunds will be processed after the conclusion of the camp season, beginning on August 15.

Step 3: Updating the team camp worksheet.

After the registration process has begun, our Erie Premier Sports staff will create the team camp worksheet and send to the team contact. This 3-page worksheet will be updated on a regular basis by the EPS staff to coordinate all payments, roster, shirt sizes, housing, and camp add-ons.

Sample Team Camp Worksheet